Monday, August 10, 2009

Tomorrow is the day!

I have to say... I was pretty disappointed when I woke up this morning. All day yesterday I had been having irregular contractions that were actually making me sick at my stomach. The race was rained out (just our luck) and was rescheduled for today. Daniel and I didn't know if he needed to stay there or come back home. He ended up coming back last night and even though nothing happened overnight I really want to take the time today to enjoy it just being the 2 of us. It's crazy to think about how much everything is about to change in our lives but I'm looking forward to it.

I know sometimes inductions can take forever but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that by tomorrow afternoon/night we will be holding little Kaylee. Not only because I don't want to be in extreme pain for hours and hours but because I'm going to be starving! We have to be at the hospital at 4:30am and the thought of not being able to eat the whole day is something that I'm not looking forward to... but I'm sure it'll all be worth it once she's here.

1 comment:

  1. yay!!! i'm so excited! today is the day. sending lots of prayers your way and i hope everything goes smoothly. be sure to post again soon with lots of pictures. :)
